GUIDED TOURS Allow us to host your prospective clients during the investigatory stage. In partnership with Pierce, we provide any services to your customers you request including transportation while in town, meetings with appropriate Pierce specialists and escorting to meals & entertainment.
FROM CAB TO COMPLETION We will provide weekly review & photos of your apparatus from the time the fabrication begins until its completion. Our attention to your apparatus will ensure it is ‘showroom’ ready. No longer do you need to arrive days before your customer to be certain your unit is built to order.
FINAL INSPECTION SERVICES Your customer will be walked through the final inspection process, including the completion of all required paperwork.
WE CAN MEET YOUR NEEDS We offer several partnership options to best fit the needs of your company and customers including hosting final inspections/tours.
LOWER YOUR COSTS Airfare, hotel, and especially the time your sales people spend away from the office cuts into your profits. Our services would allow your sales staff to spend their time pursuing leads rather than on additional and costly trips to the plant.
Any problems or deviations from the specs that may arise in the building process will be spotted and resolved to your satisfaction.
CONTINUAL UPDATES We can provide weekly progress reports including current status and images.