New Order – 38599 – Township of Mansfield – Franklin Fire Company

Freightliner 106 3,000 Gallon BX Tanker
Job #: 38599



In this report, the apparatus was released for initial and third-party pump testing. the truck began final product evaluation, and any remaining content will be installed prior to release and customer acceptance. This is the last scheduled report.


In this report, the apparatus began final assembly.


In this report, the apparatus continued with chassis prep.


In this report, the chassis continued with chassis prep and the body modules were mounted.


In this report, the chassis continued with chassis prep and the pump house was in staging. The body began to receive trim and wiring harnesses.


In this report, the chassis continued with chassis prep, the pumphouse began final pump assembly and the body began the paint process.


This new Pierce apparatus is now in production at the Bradenton Florida facility. In this report, the chassis began preparations for fire service and the fire pump was joined with the pump house structure. The body was fabricated.

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